Since Februari 2009 was, public around me ( Pucang Gading) starts infected of chikungunya. Causes body felt pain in bone at articulation is accompanied by red fever and fleck in whole part of body causing itchy.. Even, because one of symptom that is typical is incidence of stiff taste, stiff, also arises ill taste at bones, something names it as bone fever or flu bone.
This disease cause is conspecific of virus, that is Alphavirus and contagious via mosquito Aedes aegypti. The same mosquito also catching dengue disease dengue. Even still " having you" with dengue, this disease doesn't kill.
But do not mean this disease patient doesn't feel pain. My sister family coincidently almost a family suffers from chikungunya this says that from head to foot of pain in bone at articulation, high fever, and finally lying weakens in bed. Simply hardly not balmy yes.
Disease coming from this African continent starts found in Indonesia the year 1973. its the Chikungu Fever is reported first time in Samarinda, then infectious in Kuala Tungkal, Martapura, Ternate, Yogyakarta hereinafter grows to other regions.
Chikungunya disease because of to be viral conspecific so-called chikungunya virus.
Chikungunya Virus this family admission Togaviridae, gender alphavirus. Its symptoms is of course looks like virus infection dengue meagrely difference at certain things. This virus removed out of one patients to other patient passed mosquito, for example Aedes aegypti. Contagious virus by mosquito Aedes this aegypti will multiply in human body. Viral groans all ages, either children and also adult in area endemis. On the spur of the moment patient will experience high fever during five days, causing is recognized also fever term five days.
At child is started with sudden fever, squeezing skin. Red rashs of that emerges after 3-5 days. Eye usually red is accompanied marking like flu. Often is met child of fever spastic.
At child of larger ones, fever usually is followed ill taste at muscle and joint, and happened magnification of lymph gland. At adult, very dominant joint pain in bone symptom and muscle and until generating paralysis whereas because ill taste if run. Sometime arises queasy taste until puking.
In general fever at child of only takes place during three days without or pittance is met by haemorrhage and also shock.
The difference with dengue dengue, to Chikungunya there is no excitement haemorrhage, shockand also death. With enough rest, fever drug, compress, and anticipatory to fever spastic, this disease usually recovers x'self in seven days.
Chikungunya comes from language Swahili, is meaning ( position of body) curved ( that which contorts or object up), refers to patient posture bowing as result of excitement joint pain in bone ( arthralgia). This joint pain in bone happened at knee, ankle and articulation of hand and foot/feet.
Of course, at the time viral multiplied in blood, patient feels pain in bone at its the bones is especially around articulation so that not dare to move organ. And this runs approximately 1 week by feeling pain in bone taste 1 monthly. But, do not mean happened paralysis.
No special vaccine and also drug for Chikungunya. Enough takes medicine paracetamol and paregoric which able to be bought in booth. Important enough rests, drinks and nourishment
So, doesn't be panic if there is member of family suffering from this, because do not cause death. Stiff at the articulation doesn't cause paralysis. Which we able to gave only paregoric drug and fever or faction of drug recognized as drugs flu and vitamin for resistant power amplifier of body.
Remembers this disease spreader is mosquito Aedes aegypti hence the best way to break infection chain is by fighting against the mosquito, by the way of 3M ++ ( Menutup, Menguras, Mengubur [closes, cleanses, buries]) and eliminates habit to hang clothes prolonging because this type mosquito aspires after with clothes hung and uses mosquito drug. Way of fumigation only kill just adult mosquito while snapping fingers at it cannot die so that way that is most effective and cheap is 3M++.
But the good news, this disease difficult to groan the same patient. Patient body will form antibody which will make impenetrable them to this disease epidemic later. Thereby, small possibility that for they to hit again. ( from various sources)
This disease cause is conspecific of virus, that is Alphavirus and contagious via mosquito Aedes aegypti. The same mosquito also catching dengue disease dengue. Even still " having you" with dengue, this disease doesn't kill.
But do not mean this disease patient doesn't feel pain. My sister family coincidently almost a family suffers from chikungunya this says that from head to foot of pain in bone at articulation, high fever, and finally lying weakens in bed. Simply hardly not balmy yes.
Disease coming from this African continent starts found in Indonesia the year 1973. its the Chikungu Fever is reported first time in Samarinda, then infectious in Kuala Tungkal, Martapura, Ternate, Yogyakarta hereinafter grows to other regions.
Chikungunya disease because of to be viral conspecific so-called chikungunya virus.
Chikungunya Virus this family admission Togaviridae, gender alphavirus. Its symptoms is of course looks like virus infection dengue meagrely difference at certain things. This virus removed out of one patients to other patient passed mosquito, for example Aedes aegypti. Contagious virus by mosquito Aedes this aegypti will multiply in human body. Viral groans all ages, either children and also adult in area endemis. On the spur of the moment patient will experience high fever during five days, causing is recognized also fever term five days.
At child is started with sudden fever, squeezing skin. Red rashs of that emerges after 3-5 days. Eye usually red is accompanied marking like flu. Often is met child of fever spastic.
At child of larger ones, fever usually is followed ill taste at muscle and joint, and happened magnification of lymph gland. At adult, very dominant joint pain in bone symptom and muscle and until generating paralysis whereas because ill taste if run. Sometime arises queasy taste until puking.
In general fever at child of only takes place during three days without or pittance is met by haemorrhage and also shock.
The difference with dengue dengue, to Chikungunya there is no excitement haemorrhage, shockand also death. With enough rest, fever drug, compress, and anticipatory to fever spastic, this disease usually recovers x'self in seven days.
Chikungunya comes from language Swahili, is meaning ( position of body) curved ( that which contorts or object up), refers to patient posture bowing as result of excitement joint pain in bone ( arthralgia). This joint pain in bone happened at knee, ankle and articulation of hand and foot/feet.
Of course, at the time viral multiplied in blood, patient feels pain in bone at its the bones is especially around articulation so that not dare to move organ. And this runs approximately 1 week by feeling pain in bone taste 1 monthly. But, do not mean happened paralysis.
No special vaccine and also drug for Chikungunya. Enough takes medicine paracetamol and paregoric which able to be bought in booth. Important enough rests, drinks and nourishment
So, doesn't be panic if there is member of family suffering from this, because do not cause death. Stiff at the articulation doesn't cause paralysis. Which we able to gave only paregoric drug and fever or faction of drug recognized as drugs flu and vitamin for resistant power amplifier of body.
Remembers this disease spreader is mosquito Aedes aegypti hence the best way to break infection chain is by fighting against the mosquito, by the way of 3M ++ ( Menutup, Menguras, Mengubur [closes, cleanses, buries]) and eliminates habit to hang clothes prolonging because this type mosquito aspires after with clothes hung and uses mosquito drug. Way of fumigation only kill just adult mosquito while snapping fingers at it cannot die so that way that is most effective and cheap is 3M++.
But the good news, this disease difficult to groan the same patient. Patient body will form antibody which will make impenetrable them to this disease epidemic later. Thereby, small possibility that for they to hit again. ( from various sources)