The Great Mosque of Demak is eldest mosque in Pulau Jawa, build by Wali Sembilan or Wali Songo. Location of Mosque resides in downtown Demak, distance ± 26 kms from Semarang.
This mosque is genesis forming is Glagahwangi Bintoro Demak of kingdom. Mosque building structure has historical value of traditional architecture similar art typical of Indonesia. Its form is luxury, classyness, respects, charismatic, fascinates and authoritative. Now The Great Mosque of Demak functioned as place of observance and pilgrimage.
This mosque pyramid roof shows Aqidah Islamiyah consisted of three parts ; ( 1) Believe, ( 2) Islam, and ( 3) Ihsan. In This mosque also there is " Door Of Bledeg", writes down " Condro Sengkolo", which says Nogo Mulat Saliro Wani, with meaning the year 1388 Saka or 1466 M, or 887 H.
Raden Fattah with Wali Songo builds this Masjid Agung Demak (the Great Mosque of Demak) by giving pictorial inscription of bulus. This is Condro Sengkolo Memet, with meaning of Sariro Sunyi Kiblating Gusti is having a meaning (of) the year 1401 Saka. Picture bulus consisted of head meaning number 1 ( one ), foot 4 means number 4 ( four ), body bulus means number 0 ( null ), tail bulus means number 1 ( one ). Can be concluded the Great Mosque of Demak stands up in the year 1401 Saka.
Some ommissions of DemakKingdom which still be on the Great mosque museum:
1. Soko Majapahit , this pillar amounts to 8 fruit of located in mosque gallery. Ancient object of present from this Prabu Brawijaya V Raden Kertabumi given to Raden Fattah when becoming Adipati Notoprojo in Glagahwangi Bintoro Demak 1475 M.
2. Pawestren, be special building made for woman pray. Applies construction of teak, with form of roof limasan in the form of sirap ( tile from wood ) teak. This building sustained 8 stanchion, where 4 between it to dress smartly motif engraving Majapahit. Lengthwise floor wide to fairish direction 15 x 7,30 m. This Pawestren made at epoch K.R.M.A.Arya Purbaningrat, mirror from form and engraving motif Maksurah or Kholwat calibrating the year 1866 M.
3. Surya Majapahit (Majapahit of Solar) , be drawing decoration of facet 8 a real popular during Majapahit. The ancient experts interprets this picture as a symbol for Majapahit Kingdom.Surya Majapahit in Masjid Agung Demak made in the year 1401 years Saka, or 1479 M.
4. Maksurah , be graven building artifact of ommission of past having unique esthetics value and respects. This swan song predominates beauty of space in mosque. Artifact Maksurah in it is graving on article arab which it the core of glorifies the one supreme God SWT. Inscription in Maksurah calls number the year 1287 H or 1866 M, where that moment Adipati Demak taken hold of by K.R.M.A. Aryo Purbaningrat.
5. Door Of Bledeg, door that is it is said is believed solvent of jetty this thunder is creation Ki Ageng Selo at epoch Wali. This ommission is inscription " Condro Sengkolo" which says Nogo Mulat Saliro Wani, haves a meaning (of) the year 1388 Saka or 1466 M, or 887 H.
6. Mihrab (Apse) or place of imam, in it there is decoration of picture bulus which is inscription " Condro Sengkolo". This inscription has arti"Sariro Sunyi Kiblating Gusti", haves a meaning (of) the year 1401 Saka or 1479 M ( result of formulation Ijtihad). In front of mihrab right side there is tribune to sermonize. This arkeolog object recognized with the title Dampar Kencono heritage from Majapahit.
7. Dampar Kencana (monarchic chair), this archaeology object is ommission of Majapahit century XV, as present for Raden Fattah Sultan Demak I from my father Prabu Brawijaya to V Raden Kertabumi. Semenjak throne Kasultanan Demak is led by Raden Trenggono 1521 - 1560 M, universally region Nusantara one and celebrated, likely repeats feather in one's cap Patih Gajah Mada.
8. Soko Tatal / Soko Guru which amounts to this 4 is main pillar of mosque roof framework prop compiling three. Each soko teacher has height 1630 cm. formation of layout four soko teacher stuck into at wind eye cardinal points. Is residing in northwest is build by Sunan Bonang, in masterpiece southwest Sunan Gunung Jati, in southeast made in Sunan Ampel, and standing in north-east of masterpiece Sunan Kalijaga Demak. Public names pillar made in this Sunan Kalijaga as Soko Tatal.
9. Situs Kolam Wudlu . this Situs built accompanies beginning of forming of Masjid Agung Demak as place of berwudlu. Until now situs this pool still at one's post his(its is though had was not utilized again.
Tower, building as place of this adzan build with construction of steel. Election of construction of steel at the same time answers modernization demand of century XX. Development of tower is initiative [by] the moslem scholars, like KHAbdurrohman ( Grand Mosque Chieftain Demak), R.Danoewijoto, H.Moh Taslim, HAboebakar, and HMoechsin